Engagement: understand what it is, its meaning, and its importance

Eliane Costa
3 min readApr 23, 2021


What is engagement?
Engagement can be understood as the act or effect of engaging. However, when applied in the military context, it is understood as a person’s willingness to serve in the armed forces. Although it is found in a variety of situations, this term is often used in digital marketing as the result of the interactions that take place on social networks (likes, comments, and shares). In addition, in the corporate environment, engagement represents the affective connection of the employee with the company.

Meaning of engagement
The meaning of engagement is “commitment to a cause.” Besides the word being a masculine noun, it is a combination of the verb engage + mento. Eventually, another interesting fact is that the word engajar has etymological origins from the French engager, which in Portuguese means to commit, to pledge, or to contract.

Synonyms for engage
To help you learn more about the topic, here are the main synonyms for engage related to:

Provision of services: agreement, adjustment, contract, pact.
Active participation in something: commitment, compromise, commitment, involvement, dedication.
Military service: enlistment, recruitment.
Affectivity: satisfaction, motivation.

How to engage on social networks?

As social networks have emerged, the world has become increasingly connected. Thus, the search for techniques and hacks to engage people on social networks has become the goal of digital marketers and famous influencers. That said, here are some techniques to engage on social networks.

With more than 2.2 billion monthly active users worldwide, Facebook is all about connecting friends, family, and communities. Thus, this is the social network for those who want to share family moments and share experiences that are part of their daily lives. In other words, to succeed on Facebook look for communities that are part of your profile, share relevant experiences to your friends and encourage them to interact with you in the comments.

Right after Facebook is Instagram with more than 1 billion active users. To make your profile stand out on this platform, use and abuse the stories, lives and IGTV, Instagram loves videos and so does the public. In addition, use 3 to 4 hashtags in your posts and always share new feed updates in stories, since not always your publication reaches all followers. Finally, use the social network metrics to track the performance of your profile, but remember that for this you need to have a professional account on the network.

Understand the importance of engaging people

Although it is a widespread concept in several areas, engagement is present mainly in business and volunteer work relationships.

In short, the voluntary activities performed by an individual on behalf of community causes are called social engagement. As it happens, for example, in the services provided in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Thus, when we talk about functions performed without the objective of profit, it means that the subject is committed to social causes.

However, engagement in companies happens when the person is motivated and satisfied with his or her work. Engaged employees are 5 times more likely to refer the company, 5 times more committed to delivery, and 3 times more likely to innovate.
Just as engaging people is important, seeking metrics to track their development is essential.



Eliane Costa

I am a graduate in traffic management Learn more about Digital Marketing